“Bro, Do You Homeschool Your Kids?”

Now let me introduce another question that I think needs to be asked and is just as important, 
“Bro, do you even homeschool your kids?” One of the things that irritate me as that Red Pill gurus will wax poetically about politics, some people group’s IQ, or leaving their legacy, but I have only heard a real discussion on homeschooling once. Continue reading “Bro, Do You Homeschool Your Kids?”

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Everybody Plays The Fool

I will give many more details on those years in future posts but I just wanted to get the point across that those trials and trouble times shaped me. I now need to be that guy as a husband, not just as a father. I cannot truly teach my kids in firm Red Pill praxeology if their kryptonite is the opposite sex, because it surely has been mine since Continue reading Everybody Plays The Fool